Contact the LGMA

Volunteer Opportunities

Give back to your profession, volunteer with the LGMA.

Current volunteer opportunities:

Responsible Conduct Resource Administration Committee

Submit your application by February 24, 2025

The Local Government Management Association has a number of task oriented committees and volunteer positions which are established either to provide assistance to the Association on specific projects or to provide the Association with a liaison to external organizations. Typically, the appointments to these positions range from one to three years, although in some cases they are directly related to a specific project and terminate upon completion of that project. Travel expenses related to committee activities are covered by the Association.

In an effort to encourage participation by the membership in the activities of the Association, expressions of interest are invited from members who wish to serve on the committees described below. Although there may not be vacancies in all positions every year, all expressions of interest will be kept on file should a vacancy arise.

By volunteering with the LGMA, you aren't just giving back to your profession, you are getting a chance to sharpen your skills, learn from colleagues, and build a network of support while enhancing local government programming.

If you have questions about volunteering with the LGMA, please contact us at

To Apply:

Please complete the Volunteer Online Application Form. If you have trouble completing the online form, please email for a PDF form. All applicants should include a brief written statement outlining their experience in local government as well as reasons supporting their appointment.

  • Administrative Professionals Conference Committee

    All vacancies are currently filled.

    Up to 6 individuals who work in local government are invited to work with LGMA staff to organize program content for the coming conference year.

    Commitment involves: 1 -2 conference calls to discuss program and topics of interest, correspondence by email to confirm details of the program, and assistance on-site during the conference.

  • Advancing Equity Working Group

    1 vacant position available.

    Are you a CAO, First Nations Administrator or leader, or a senior local government staff member who has a mandate to manage and implement equity initiatives within your organization? Are you currently working on anti-racism and equity initiatives in your local government and see value in sharing tools, resources, policy examples, and lessons learned with your peers? Future opportunities will be posted when they become available. 

    Review the Advancing Equity Working Group TOR.

  • Annual Conference Committee

    All vacancies are currently filled.  

    Each year interested members are sought to work with LGMA staff to develop the content and organization details of the Annual Conference and put recommendations forward to the Board of Directors for approval.

    Committee responsibilities include:

    • deliberation and recommendation of a proposed program of events within the budget
    • identification of educational, social, and networking activities; related presenters or facilitators where applicable; and conference theme where appropriate
    • additional support for the implementation of the program activities as required.

    Time Commitment:

    Members are expected to participate in conference calls (normally 2 or 3) and email exchange during October and November to develop the program content recommendations. Reasonable time outside of these meetings may be required for related research.

    There is significant staff support in the lead up to and during the conference itself, however, additional volunteer time will be assessed and may be required.  This could include participation in conference calls/emails or in some other event support or delivery capacity as reasonably required.

    Terms of Reference

  • Approving Officer Committee

    2 vacant positions available.

    The mandate of the Committee is to provide continuing education and operational support for local government officials tasked with responsibilities for the processing and evaluation of subdivision applications.  An emphasis is placed on pragmatic professional development rather than theoretical studies.

    The Approving Officer Committee isresponsible for:

    • working with LGMA staff to organize and deliver an annual Approving Officers Workshop;
    • working with LGMA staff to ensure timely updates to and maintenance of the Guide for Approving Officers;
    • providing direction and input to the MATI School for Statutory Approving Officers program; and
    • facilitating networking and other training opportunities for approving officers.

    Time Commitment: 

    Committee members are required to participate in meetings, either electronically or in person, as required to offer input into and support for training programs and resource materials. Members are encouraged to participate in the organization and/or delivery of training workshops and MATI School for Statutory Approving Officers as reasonably required. At least three members of the committee shall be the statutory approving officer in a local government. At least one member of the committee shall be from a municipality with a population over 50,000 and at least one member of the committee shall be from a municipality with a population under 5,000. The term of office is 3 years, though members may reapply to serve an additional term.

    Terms of Reference

  • Board of Variance Advisory Committee

    Boards of Variance are an integral part of the local government land use management system established in the Local Government Act. Local governments must appoint a Board of Variance to deal with specific applications to vary a zoning bylaw on the grounds of hardship.

    The Local Government Management Association of B.C. is seeking volunteers to support two upcoming activities related to local government Boards of Variance:

    1) Providing input and review support for the Board of Variance Manual update

    2) Providing input and review support for the development of a self-paced course for Board of Variance members. 

    Volunteers will be expected to contribute an estimated 20-30 hours (2-4 hours per month) of volunteer time over the next 14-18 months to support the activities noted above. 

    Individuals who have experience working in local government in the areas of development and planning, and have an understanding of the training and professional development needs of Board of Variance members should apply. Individuals with experience supporting or serving on a local government board of variance are strongly encouraged to apply.

    For questions, please contact Candace Witkowskyj at 

  • CAO Forum Committee

    All vacancies are currently filled.

    Up to 5 individuals to work with LGMA staff to organize the program content and organizational details of the annual LGMA CAO Forum. (Open to those who occupy CAO positions.)

    Time Commitment: 

    Meets periodically (teleconference) between September and December.

  • Corporate Officer Committee

    3 vacant positions currently available.

    This committee of up to 5 individuals works with LGMA staff to organize the program content and organizational details of the annual Corporate Officers Forum (open to those in Corporate Officers (or deputy) positions). 

    Time Commitment: 

    Meets periodically (teleconference) throughout the year and one face to face meeting each year post-forum. 

    Terms of Reference

    All applicants should include a brief written statement outlining their experience in local government as well as reasons supporting their appointment.

  • Elections Committee

    3 vacant positions available.

    This Committee of up to 8 individuals is responsible for the periodic maintenance of the LGMA Elections Manual and the delivery of workshops on elections administration every four years in the year of a general local government election. Participants should have a good understanding of the elections provisions of the Local Government Act as well as being comfortable in a public speaking role for the delivery of training and workshops.

    Time Commitment: 

    As required in non-general election years; Usually several meetings in the year before the general election to review the manual. Selected Committee members to deliver training and/or workshops in the year before and the year of general elections.

    Terms of Reference

  • Foundations of Local Government Learning Series Committee

    1 vacant position available.

    The mandate of the Committee is to oversee the instructor selection, curriculum development, and evaluation for the program.

    MATI Foundations provides a high calibre, education program for local government officers.  An emphasis is placed on pragmatic and professional development rather than theoretical studies.  The content is kept current through an ongoing evaluation of course objectives, upgrading of material and presentations combined with a regular rotation of instructors. The Program Committee is responsible for ensuring and achieving the overall objectives as determined by the LGMA Executive.

    Time Commitment: 

    The program is held either as a week-long, residential program as MATI Foundations (during the second week of August and typically at UBC Okanagan or the University of Victoria), or online as the Foundations of Local Government Learning Webinar Series (from late August through December). Committee members are expected to attend as much of the program as possible, and participate in conference calls periodically throughout the year to debrief and plan future events. When travel is required, an allowance is provided to cover normal travel expenses, with meals and accommodation provided at the venue.

    Review the Terms of Reference. 

  • Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy and Records Management Committee

    4 vacant positions available.

    LGMA is seeking to fill five vacancies on the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy and Records Management Advisory Committee for the next three-year term. The mandate of the Committee is to provide continuing education and technical support to local government staff tasked with responsibilities for FOI and records management. In addition to experience in records management, archiving, and FIPPA in a local government context, equitable representation from communities of various size and composition will be ensured. 

    The Committee's responsibilities include the following:

    (a) Identifying legislative, regulatory or other changes in best practices for FOI and records management that will impact the work of the local government officials tasked with these responsibilities.

    (b) Identifying opportunities and working with LGMA staff to organize and deliver professional development and training workshops.

    (c) Working with LGMA staff and consultants to ensure timely updates to and maintenance of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Toolkit and the Records Management Manual for Local Government Organizations.

    (d) Facilitating networking opportunities/partnerships for FOI coordinators and records managers.

    Time Commitment: 

    The Committee meets as required, generally by teleconference on a quarterly basis. Additionally, volunteers review materials, respond to queries, and support the development and delivery of training between quarterly meetings.

    Terms of Reference

  • Human Resource Advisory Committee

    All vacancies are currently filled.

    The primary objective of the Ad Hoc Human Resources Advisory Committee is to provide input and support to the LGMA Executive Director and staff for the review and revisions, as required, of the Human Resource Toolkit (Second Edition), along with content and technical advice on the development of new training programs on human resource management.

    Minimum of 4 individuals with experience in human resource management in local government.

    Time Commitment: 

    A one-year term from January to December with the possibility of an extension.

    Terms of Reference

  • HR Coaches for Learners in Online Courses

    We would like to engage experienced HR professionals to provide direct coaching support to participants enrolled in a suite of targeted, high-value learning opportunities for emerging leaders or management level professionals on the following topics. Volunteers would contribute an estimated 3-5 hours of coaching support to participants in the following courses, reflective of the course timelines: 

    1. Performance Management 
    2. Change Management 

    Participants registered in the HR Leadership Suite Courses can access direct coaching, constituting an applied learning opportunity that will embed the foundational competencies covered in the online environment. Volunteers can sign up to provide coaching support to participants in one or more of the above courses, reflective of their areas of interest and identified expertise. Please see the attached competency table for more information on course content.

    For full details, please read the finalized call for HR volunteers  and the table of competencies.

  • Joint Pension Liaison Committee

    All vacancies are currently filled.

    Up to 3 individuals (2 LGMA and 1 GFOA) who liaise periodically with representatives of the Municipal Pension Plan. The primary objective of the Joint Pension Committee is to provide advice and support to the municipal representative on the Municipal Pension Plan Board of Trustees on behalf of the exempt members of the GFOABC and LGMA membership.

    Time Commitment: 

    Minimal - periodic meetings with Pension Plan officials.

    Terms of Reference 

  • Responsible Conduct Resource Administration Committee

    1 vacant position available

    Are you a CAO, Deputy CAO, Corporate Officer, Deputy Corporate Officer, or other senior level position with an interest in upholding responsible conduct matters who is able to operate with a significant degree of confidentiality and ethical professionalism.

    Terms of Reference

Further information on any of these positions can be obtained by contacting the LGMA office at:

Telephone: 250-383-7032


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