Contact the LGMA

2025 Provincial Membership Fees

2025 LGMA Provincial Membership Information

2025 LGMA Membership Renewal began on January 1.

The designated primary contact for each organization (ie., CAO, CFO, CCO) will receive a renewal notice from LGMA that is unique to the organization's LGMA Provincial Membership. The primary contact will be responsible for confirming the organization's named members by renewing, adding or removing employees, and providing payment. The 2025 renewal instruction sheet will be sent to the primary contact with their renewal notice. 

Stay Connected with the LGMA

What can I do now to prepare for membership? Update your Personal Profile

Review our step-by-step instructions and log into your personal profile at LGMA MyAccount to ensure your personal information is current in preparation for our membership renewal.


Criteria for an Organizational Membership

An LGMA organizational membership is available to any local government or First Nations employee who manages or supervises employees as per the Association Policy. Membership is paid for by the local government. 

1-4 members: $309 plus 5% GST (per member)

5-9 members: $267 plus 5% GST (per member)

10 + members: $231 plus GST (per member)

Review LGMA Membership Benefits

2025 First Time Membership

First Time Member: $150 plus 5% GST per member (includes a $150 voucher towards an LGMA program).

First Time LGMA Membership is available to any local government or First Nations employee who has never had an LGMA membership before and who manages or supervises employees as per the Association Policy

2025 Individual Membership

Individual LGMA Membership is available to any local government or First Nations employee who manages or supervises employees as per Association Policy. Individual membership is paid by the individual and not by the local government.

Individual LGMA Membership fees are $309 plus 5% GST.

Membership benefits are available only to those with a current LGMA Membership.

To review all details of membership, refer to the Membership section found in LGMA's Constitution and Bylaws .

2025 Affiliate Membership

Affiliate Membership is open to any individual who has an interest in local government administration.

Affiliate Membership fees are $360 plus 5% GST per Affiliate Member.

To review all details of affiliate membership, refer to the Membership section found in LGMA's Constitution and Bylaws.

2025 Student Membership

Student Membership is available to those students currently enrolled full-time at an accredited post-secondary academic institution and not currently employed with a local government. Students must provide a copy of their registration or course schedule each school year as evidence that they meet criteria for approval.

Student Membership fees are $25 plus 5% GST.

2025 Retired Member Membership

Retired Membership is open to any individual who was a member of the LGMA and is receiving municipal retirement pension or equivalent and is retired from regular full-time employment.

Will you be retiring in 2025? Did you know you can still receive information on LGMA programs as a retired member? Who knows, you might want to offer your specialized skillset on a short-term basis, sit on one of our program committees, take one of our webinars, or partner in one of our programs. Just let us know when you are retiring, and we can assist you in changing your profile to retired member status.

Retired Membership fees are $139 plus 5% GST per Retired Member.

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