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Ken Dobell Public Service Education Fund Scholarship

Applications for the scholarship are currently closed. They will open again in April, 2025.


The Ken Dobell Public Service Education Fund Scholarship has been established to encourage students with an interest in federal, provincial, local government and First Nations administration, policy studies, or Indigenous Studies, Dispute Resolution, Indigenous Histories, Indigenous Relations, Indigenous Land and Resource Management, Geophysical scanning or other studies that would enhance reconciliation amongst local government and Indigenous Peoples to pursue post-secondary opportunities. The Fund recognizes the career and public service contributions of Ken Dobell, former Vancouver City Manager, British Columbia Deputy Minister to the Premier, Secretary to Cabinet and Head of BC Public Service.

The scholarship will be available to assist students whose permanent residence is in British Columbia and who have a demonstrated interest in public service or who have a demonstrated interest in contributing to enhancing local government efforts towards reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and are enrolled in studies that would further such efforts and, who are accepted or are registered in a course of studies at a recognized post-secondary institution.

Funds for the Ken Dobell Public Service Education Fund will be managed by the Vancouver Foundation. A Scholarship Advisory Committee, with representatives appointed by the Board of Directors of the Local Government Management Association from local, provincial and federal governments and First Nations organizations will provide advice to the Vancouver Foundation in respect to Scholarship disbursements.

To Apply for the Scholarship

Each Fall the Vancouver Foundation will award one or more scholarships to applicants. Scholarships may be available to reimburse tuition, school related expenses or travel. Priorities for scholarship reimbursement will be set assigned by the Scholarship Advisory Committee.

Applications will be received from permanent residents of British Columbia who are registered at a post-secondary educational institution, undertaking either a full or part-time course of studies directly related to federal, provincial, local government or First Nations administration and policy studies AND who are working either in a federal, provincial, local government or First Nations organization, OR who have shown a demonstrated interest in public administration or public policy studies.

Scholarships will be awarded of up to $2,500, with preference being given to applicants from the four public sectors noted above. Preference will also be given to applicants from smaller communities. 

Upon award of scholarship, funds will be paid directly to qualified donees only such as post-secondary institutions or local governments to reimburse costs associated with the course of studies. Scholarships will be available for one year after the date of award.

Make a Donation to the Ken Dobell Public Service Education Fund Scholarship

The Ken Dobell Public Service Education Fund Scholarship has been set up as a registered charity to enable donors to receive a tax deduction for contributions. Donations to the fund may be made payable to the "Vancouver Foundation - LGMA Ken Dobell Public Service Education Fund" and forwarded to the Local Government Management Association, 710A - 880 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC, V8W 2B7.

For further information on the Ken Dobell Public Service Education Fund please contact the LGMA at .

Photo of Ken Dobell
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