To order a manual, please order online from your LGMA MyAccount.
© 2023 Local Government Management Association of British Columbia. All rights reserved. No part of this product (including LGMA courses, course materials, publications, services, or other product) may be stored, reproduced, transcribed, translated, or transmitted into any other form without prior written permission of the Local Government Management Association of British Columbia. Without restricting the generality of the foregoing, no one may make commercial use or any content of this product (including LGMA courses, course materials, publications, services, or other product), whatsoever, including selling any information, software, products, or services or displaying or otherwise using any content of this public on any website. Access to LGMA courses, course materials, and services are limited to the registrant indicated at time of purchase. Sharing of course access, materials, or other resources is prohibited.
2022 Edition
2017 Edition
Second Edition, 2025
2024 Edition
Fifth Edition, 2022
Sixth Edition, 2024
Third Edition, 2021
This manual provides a comprehensive guide to everything you need to conduct a successful local election. This critical resource provides practical advice and best practices for the administration of both local government and school trustee elections. The 2022 edition is written by experts and includes the latest rules and regulations of local elections. It is structured in a logical manner that follows the legislation enabling staff to conduct a successful local election. Additional resource materials include:
Fees for Manual:
$350 Electronic Version only
$450 Printed Version (includes e-version)
Place your order online from LGMA MyAccount
The Fifth Edition of the FOIPPA Toolkit has been updated to expand on existing information and includes: general amendments, updates to standards, references, and updated descriptions on “Permits” and “Discretionary Benefits."
The FOIPPA Toolkit, Fifth Edition, includes best practice suggestions for designating staff for FOI purposes, responding to requests and interpreting and applying the sections of the Act to withhold and disclose information. The Toolkit also suggests some ideas for establishing policies that have been successfully administered in other jurisdictions, and includes sample bylaws and letters.
Fees for Manual:
Place your order online from LGMA MyAccount . All electronic and print orders will receive a link via email to access the PDF of the entire Guide.
The 2025, second edition of the Corporate Officers Handbook for Local Government Organizations is an excellent resource for local governments to own.
This resource will assist Corporate Officers to conduct their responsibilities in accordance with the statutory requirements and provides an overview of other responsibilities associated with this role. This updated Handbook includes the following:
Fees for Manual:
Place your order online from LGMA MyAccount. All electronic and print orders will receive a link via email to access the PDF of the entire Guide.
The Sixth Edition of the Records Management Manual has been updated to include new information and policy advice. Significant features of the Records and Information Management Manual, Sixth Edition include but are not limited to:
The Manual also includes a sample bylaw, policies and procedures as well as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet version of the records classification and retention table that can be modified and used by your local government.
Fees for Manual:
Place your order online from LGMA MyAccount. All electronic and print orders will receive a link via email to access the PDF of the entire Guide.
First published in 1994, this comprehensive toolkit is designed to support BC local government Approving Officers in carrying out their role. The 2024 edition has been updated to expand on existing information, including references to legislation and regulations, addresses recent court decisions, and provides examples of different types of subdivision. Additional resource materials include sample checklists and documents that can be customized for your local government.
Updates include:
Reserve your copy of this must-have resource today!
Upon purchase ALL orders will receive a link via email to access a PDF of the entire Guide, along with customizable Word documents. Orders for print versions received by September 6 will be included in the first print run in September.
Electronic Version only: $350 + GST
Loose-leaf, Printed Version (includes electronic version): $450 + GST
*Please note:
FOR PRINT ORDERS: Based on member feedback, to mitigate rising costs and reduce waste, printed versions will be shipped shrink-wrapped and in 3-hole punched, loose-leaf format with tabs ready for you to insert into your own binder. By not including a binder, we help keep these important resources affordable and ensure less binders end up in the landfill. To quote a member, “if it is one thing most local governments have in abundance, it is spare binders!”, so a huge thank you to the membership for this great idea!
The Third Edition of the LGMA's Human Resources Toolkit for Local Government Organizations has had a complete rewrite and is now available for purchase.
If you need practical guidance on human resource management for local government and access to leading practices, consider this valuable resource for your organization. The Toolkit covers the full range of human resource management requirements for local government leaders including:
• Human Resource Planning
• Recruitment and Hiring
• Terms and Conditions of Employment
• Workforce Management
• Compensation and Benefits
• Health, Safety and Wellness
• Labour Relations
This toolkit is intended as a "best practices" sourcebook on current human resource management practices and is designed as a "go to" reference especially for small local governments without an in-house HR function.
The electronic version is available for instant download.
A print version is also available for purchase and delivery at an additional cost to cover printing and shipping; the print version includes the electronic version.
Fees for Manual:
Place your order online from your LGMA MyAccount . All orders both electronic and print version, will receive an emailed link to access a PDF of the entire Guide.