The LGMA Executive Compensation Toolkit provides a
one-stop location for current information about compensation resources for senior, non-elected local government officials in British Columbia.
The Toolkit includes:
- perspectives on compensation from elected officials, non-elected officials, and human resource professionals;
- current research on local government recruitment and retention;
- access to Local Government Salary surveys, which contain information on salaries, benefits and perquisites for senior staff in BC;
- information on the value of a compensation review, including how to conduct a compensation survey;
- a 'primer' on key aspects of total compensation, including definitions, trends, innovative practices and resources on why, how and when to undertake a compensation review;
- advice on how to value senior, non-elected officials' total compensation;
- examples of innovative compensation practices used by BC local governments;
- private and public sector executive compensation comparisons
- sample contracts, employment agreements and benefit packages provided by LGMA members for members;
- an interactive compensation calculator that enables you to evaluate your personal total compensation.