LGMA 2025 membership renewal is now underway! As an additional incentive to renew early, we’re once again giving away $150 towards program fees to up to five members of three lucky organizations!
At the end of each month until March 31, we will randomly select an organization that has renewed membership to win $150 each towards program fees for up to five members. For an additional entry, post a photo of your organization’s 2025 LGMA members to social media and tag us to double your chances of winning!
Contact your primary contact today to ensure your organization has renewed for the year. Unsure who your primary contact is? Log into your LGMA MyAccount to find out!
Still unsure about the value of LGMA membership? See what our members have to say about it!
Good luck to all 2025 LGMA members! We look forward to providing you and your organization with another year of high quality, practical training, a wide array of useful resources, and valuable services designed to help you thrive in your local government career. Please explore all the benefits that LGMA membership offer as we learn, lead, and grow together.
*Some conditions apply. The $150 Vouchers can only be applied towards programs where you meet the program eligibility criteria. Vouchers must be used by December 31, 2025. First-Time Members are not eligible to receive a voucher. No more than five members from each organization can be awarded the voucher.