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Summer 2024 Exchange Magazine - Response and Recovery: Developing a Business Continuity Plan

The summer 2024 issue of Exchange Magazine is available now, Response and Recovery: Developing a Business Continuity Plan. New requirements under the British Columbia Emergency and Disaster Management Act mean local governments have increased responsibilities when it comes to planning, mitigation, consultation and training to prepare for disasters, including Indigenous consultation and developing a business continuity plan.

In this issue of Exchange, we speak with experts and share what to include in your business continuity plan. We also hear insights from the City of West Kelowna’s 2024 wildfire emergency management experience and the Village of Lytton’s long road to recovery. The case studies look at communities across our province who have experienced emergency and disaster situations, including lessons learned from the City of Merritt from their unprecedented flood experience in 2021, the wildfire evacuation in Tumbler Ridge and business continuity planning tips from the City of Penticton. Don't miss the full issue of LGMA's latest Exchange Magazine!

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