May 30, 1:30 - 3:00 P.M.
The 6th edition of the LGMA’s Records and Information Management Manual will soon be available for pre-sale! In anticipation, the LGMA is hosting a complimentary town hall session with four of the experts responsible for review and updates of the manual. The town hall will be held virtually on May 30th from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm.
For the first hour of the session, each panelist will provide a brief presentation summarizing their updates and contributions to the 6th Edition. Attendees can pre-submit questions for the panelists here, or live during the session. Sharon Byrch, who developed the Excel version of the manual’s records classification and retention schedules first introduced in 2017, will provide a mini workshop on the use of this tool.
Registration is complimentary but required for the town hall session. Registration is limited to local government employees or other local authority, First Nations government, or other staff in government who work with local records management processes. Register online before Thursday, May 23, to ensure you receive your event link.
The Townhall Panelists:
Stuart Rennie, MLIS, JD, FAI, is a Lawyer and Information Governance and Records Management Consultant. Stuart specializes in records management, privacy and freedom of information, law reform, public policy and information governance law. He is a Fellow of ARMA International. Since 2020, he has been a voting member and legal advisor to the Canadian General Standard Board’s Committee on Electronic Records and Image Management for the National Standard of Canada, Electronic Records as Documentary Evidence (CAN/CGSB-72.34:2024). Since 2006, he has been the co-author of the Local Government Management Association of British Columbia Records Management Manual For Local Government In British Columbia (LGMA RIM Manual). He is the co-author with Bobbi Bishop of the LGMA RIM Manual (6th edition, 2024).
Bobbi Bishop is an Information Governance and Records Management Consultant and project manager. She is also a licensed private investigator. She provides consulting advice for local governments, public bodies, professional associations, societies, corporations and First Nations to create phased RIM programs. She provides clients with RIM coaching and training. With Stuart Rennie, she is a member of the expert panel appointed by Self-Governing Indigenous Governments where she provides advice on RIM and data governance. Also with Stuart Rennie, she is a co-author of the Local Government Management Association of British Columbia Records Management Manual For Local Government In British Columbia (6th edition, 2024).
Sharon Byrch is the Manager of Information Services at the Capital Regional District (CRD) in Victoria, BC. Sharon has worked in local government for over two decades. She started volunteering for the LGMA in 2014 as a member of their FOIPPA and Records Management (RM) Committee, and later served as Co-Chair (2020-2021) and Chair (2022). She was an advisor for the 2015, 2017, and 2024 editions of the LGMA RM manual, and often delivers RM training for the LGMA. Sharon created the Excel version of the RM manual's records classification and retention schedules for the 5th, 2017 Edition of the Manual, which has been reviewed and updated for this 6th 2024 Edition.
Adriana Proton is the Manager of Legislative Services for the City of Courtenay. She has been a Corporate Officer for more than ten years and is the current Chair of the LGMA FOIPPA and Records Management Committee. Adriana holds a Master of Public Administration degree, Board of Examiners certificate in Local Government Statutory Administration, and she is a Certified Records Manager. Adriana is one of the three Committee members who volunteered their time and expertise to review the draft 6th Edition of the Manual after the Legal updates were completed. Her ruthless attention to detail is evident in the overall quality of the manual. Adriana has worked for municipalities as small as 440 people and has gratefully relied on the LGMA and its manuals throughout her career.