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REVIEW THE FULL ANNUAL CONFERENCE PROGRAM DETAILS BELOW, or download the Conference Brochure or  Agenda-at-a-Glance.



We’ve come a long way, but our world and the way we work continue to rapidly change. Building on the legacy of accumulated local government knowledge, experience, and vision, LGMA 2025 is an opportunity to ignite curiosity, hear diverse perspectives, and launch important conversations that spark transformational ideas to collectively manage change and go beyond.

Sessions have been carefully curated along the following primary learning tracks. Watch for these icons throughout the listings:

A — Advancing Equity and Inclusion:  Exploring how to reduce barriers, improve opportunities for equity-seeking groups, or strengthen capacity to advocate for change.

R — Working Towards Reconciliation:  Examining ways to meaningfully engage in reconciliation, and build respectful, reciprocal, and long-lasting local government-First Nations relationships.

E — Emerging Tech Trends:  Discussing technologies that can be leveraged to help local government administration or service delivery, and best practices for navigating the digital journey. 

L — Livable, Sustainable Communities:  Highlighting examples of policies and practices that support positive economic, social, and environmental outcomes.

P — Personal Growth and Development:  Spotlighting tools to help local leaders unlock their potential, build resiliency, emphasize life balance, and emerge stronger.

T — Team and Organizational Effectiveness:  Sharing strategies to help build organizational capacity and support our teams to adapt and succeed.

F — Fresh Ideas Showcase:  Highlighting organizations that have implemented new solutions, approaches, or local government best practices.

Click on the sessions below for a full description:

The LGMA would like to sincerely thank our 2025 Program Sponsors

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Tuesday, June 10 Agenda

  • TUE, June 10 - 7:45 - 8:30 am - Continental Breakfast

    Continental Breakfast provided to participants of the Pre-Con Workshops. 

  • TUE, June 10 - 8:30 am - 4:30 pm - (PRE-CON WORKSHOP) Business Continuity Planning Team Intensive (L,T)

    Offered in partnership with the Municipal Insurance Association of BC and with financial support from the Municipal Finance Authority of BC.


    Clive Lunn FBCI CRM, Acredo Consulting

    Under Emergency and Disaster Management Act (EDMA) enacted in November 2023, BC local governments have increased responsibilities when it comes to planning, mitigation, consultation and training to prepare for disasters, including Indigenous consultation and developing a business continuity plan.

    Offered in partnership with the Municipal Insurance Association of BC and with financial support as part of the work of the Sustaining Education Alliance with the Municipal Finance Authority of BC, this full-day workshop provides a guided opportunity to delve into an actionable business continuity planning framework you can take back to your organization. Attendees receive a toolkit with templates that can be adapted for each local government.

    Gain an understanding of the purpose and objectives of a business continuity program, learn best practices related to the business continuity lifecycle, and together with your colleagues begin to develop key elements of business continuity planning resources

    for your organization.

    To participate in this workshop, delegates will need to bring a laptop and have a working knowledge of Microsoft Excel and Word and will need to download the “toolkit” prior to the event; details will be provided to workshop attendees.

    To ensure a productive experience, attendance is limited to a maximum of 10 local governments (3-4 attendees from each local government are welcome). 

    Thank you to the Municipal Finance Authority of BC’s Sustaining Education Alliance funding and support that helps make costs accessible for this priority training.  

    Please note: Workshop registration is separate from general conference registration. Register HERE

  • TUE, June 10 - 8:30 am - 4:30 pm - (PRE-CON WORKSHOP) Communication & Engagement Professionals Forum (P)

    This jam-packed day will feature panelists who’ll share challenges, lessons learned and wins in their role as local government communicators. 

    Keep current with best practices in information sharing and connecting with the people we serve. Topics will include practical approaches to crafting inclusive and accessible communications, best practices in supporting elected official communications, how to highlight the work of local government, and more.   

    Take this opportunity to learn from peers, increase the effectiveness of your organization’s communications efforts, and expand your professional communications network. 

    Please note: Forum registration is separate from general conference registration. View the detailed forum AGENDA  and register HERE.

  • TUE, June 10 - 12:00 - 1:00 pm - Lunch

    Lunch provided to participants of the Pre-Con Workshops.

  • TUE, June 10 - 1:00 - 4:30 pm - (PRE-CON WORKSHOP) Modernizing Bylaw Enforcement: Navigating Complexities in a Changing Landscape (F)


    Kate O'Connell, City of Courtenay; Magda Laljee, Curiositas Consulting;  Nav Sidhu, Cascadia Partners  

    This interactive workshop examines a local government's journey modernizing bylaw enforcement while navigating complex, simultaneous policy development on homelessness, including sheltering and supportive housing. Participants will explore the creation and implementation of a new Bylaw Compliance Policy, Strategic Plan, and revised Parks and Public Spaces Regulation Bylaw. The session addresses community engagement challenges, particularly with outreach organizations focused on broader unresolved homelessness policy issues. 

    Through case studies, attendees will apply the new policy lens emphasizing trauma-informed and culturally sensitive approaches, prioritizing community partnerships, and considering mental health in compliance strategies. Participant learning objectives include: 

    1) Understanding the principles of trauma-informed and culturally sensitive bylaw enforcement within the context of overlapping policies addressing homelessness.

    2) Learning strategies to navigate community engagement challenges, particularly when addressing sensitive issues like homelessness amidst evolving policy landscapes.

    3) Applying a practical policy lens to real-world bylaw enforcement scenarios, developing appropriate and compassionate responses that consider individual circumstances and community needs.

    4) Developing tactics for effectively communicating with and supporting Council members grappling with the complexities of regulating vulnerable populations.

    Engage in hands-on learning and gain practical tools for effective and compassionate bylaw enforcement in a dynamic environment. 

    Please note: Workshop registration is separate from general conference registration.  Register HERE. 

  • TUE, June 10 - 4:15 -5:00 pm - First Time Attendees’ Meet and Greet

    First time attending the conference? Jump into all the networking activities the event has to offer and meet the LGMA Board and a new friend or two! 

    *Open to first-time attendees only.

  • TUE, June 10 - 5:00 - 7:00 pm - President’s Welcome Reception & Trade Show Kick-Off

    Sponsored by Lidstone & Company

    Join LGMA President Douglas Holmes to kick off LGMA2025! Reacquaint with old friends and connect with new colleagues. Meet knowledgeable exhibitors who supply the goods and services that make our work possible.

Wednesday, June 11 Agenda

  • WED, June 11- 6:30 -7:15 am - Early Risers’ Club: Guided Walk/Run

    Up early? Start things off right before the working part of the day begins!  Led by City of Kelowna recreation staff, groups will step out from the Delta Grand Okanagan Resort  lobby.

  • WED, June 11- 7:30 am - 3:30 pm - Trade Show

  • WED, June 11 - 8:30 am - 4:30 pm - Pension Consulting with Jerry Woytack (by appointment, Wed & Thurs)

    (by Appointment, Wed & Thurs)

    Contemplating retirement in the near future? Sign up for a personalized, 45-minute session with pension specialist Jerry Woytack. This service is complimentary for current LGMA members who are at least 50 years old and have held membership for at least the past five years. Bring your most recent Pension Corporation member benefit statement. Sign up in advance at, or on site at the Conference registration desk.

  • WED, June 11 - 7:30 - 8:30 am - Networking Breakfast

  • WED, June 11 - 8:30 - 8:40 am - Welcome and Conference Opening Remarks

    Welcome and confrence opening remarks from LGMA President Douglas Holmes

  • WED, June 11 - 8:40 - 9:40 am - KEYNOTE: Hon. Jody Wilson-Raybould: True Reconciliation: How to Be a Force for Change (R)

    True Reconciliation: How to Be a Force for Change

    There is one question Canadians have asked the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould more than any other — what can I do to help advance reconciliation?

    Drawing from her bestselling book, True Reconciliation, Wilson-Raybould explores the difference between performative and symbolic reconciliation vs. actions that are truly impactful. She shows audiences how together we can build transformed patterns of just and harmonious relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples at all levels of society, and why it’s crucial this work is done by all, not just Indigenous people. 

  • WED, June 11 - 9:40 - 10:20 am - Networking Break / Meet the Exhibitors

  • WED, June 11 - 10:20 - 11:20 am - An Update on Privacy, AI, Consent and Other Issues Confronting Local Governments (T)


    Michael Harvey, Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia

    Our democracy depends on trust between governments and the people they serve, and access to information and privacy are at the very heart of that relationship. In this presentation, BC Information and Privacy Commissioner Michael Harvey will speak about accountability and transparency are so important, particularly given the rapid advancements of technologies like artificial intelligence. He will offer an update on privacy, AI, consent, and other key issues and offer some practical strategies for municipalities. 

  • WED, June 11 - 10:20 - 11:20 am - Clarity Counts! The case for plain language (F,T)


    Julie Rogers, Julie Rogers Consulting  

    In this age of quick tweets, scanning headlines, and skimming content, getting your message across simply and quickly has never been more important. This does not mean we “dumb down” content, but we do provide precision and clarity. The more people who understand your message, the less room there is for misunderstanding and the spread of misinformation. In this session you will learn the fundamentals on how to strip away jargon and bureaucratese and produce clear, inclusive, and accessible writing that speaks directly to your intended audience. People are making important decisions based on the information we are providing. We are tasked with ensuring our writing is clear, inclusive and easily understood.

  • WED, June 11 - 10:20 - 11:20 am - Digital Transformation for Resilient and Effective Smaller Municipal Teams (E,T)


    Mark Brown & Daphne Thomson, District of Port Edward 

    In an era of rapid change, small municipalities face unique challenges in maintaining capacity, continuity, and efficiency. This session presents a roadmap for digital transformation tailored to these needs, covering practical applications of project management tools, electronic signatures, SOP creation, health and safety platforms, and onboarding processes. Using automation and AI, participants will learn how to streamline workflows, build resilient systems, and ensure continuity beyond individual roles. This session is ideal for municipalities seeking to increase operational capacity and adapt seamlessly to workforce changes.

  • WED, June 11 - 10:20 - 11:20 am - Rules for the Unruly: Balancing the Right to Free Speech with Workplace Safety (T)


    Denise McCabe & Jessica Vliegenhart, Fulton & Co LLP

    With members of the public increasingly commandeering Council and Board meetings, local governments are caught between a rock and a hard place – how can they balance freedom of political expression, as enshrined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, while providing staff with a safe workplace that is free from bullying and harassment? In addition to dealing with an unruly public in municipal facilities and out in the field, local governments are increasingly dealing with outspoken elected officials who at times direct their ire towards local government employees. 

    In this session, we will:

    • identify the friction points on this issue through a discussion of the law relating to free speech and workplace safety;
    • refer to real-world examples and recent court decisions for illustrative purposes; and
    • provide strategies and tools for local governments to navigate these delicate situations.

  • WED, June 11 - 11:30 - 12:25 pm - Burnout: Helping the Individual and Helping the Workplace (P,T)


    Geoff Moffett, Workplace Mental Health Facilitator, Canadian Mental Health Association

    Burnout has become an increasingly common challenge in today’s fast-paced work environment. Gain a better understanding what “burnout” is and isn’t, develop knowledge of the systemic ways to prevent burnout and psychological harm, and learn ways to cope with mild burnout. Participants will also be better equipped to notice what might be burnout in coworkers and provide support.

  • WED, June 11 - 11:30 - 12:25 pm - "Construction Management" for Managing Your Organization's Construction Project (F,T)


    Sonia Sahota, Civic Legal LLP

    We have seen many practices evolve over the decades – from pagers to emails, from cable to streaming. Likewise, we have seen a growing trend among public organizations away from using tried and true methods of project delivery in answer to modern challenges. One such practice gaining traction is the use of Construction Management (CM) as an approach to delivering capital projects. This session will briefly hark back to Design-Bid-Build and then leap forward to provide a fulsome understanding of CM as a method of delivering construction projects in today’s budget-challenged environment. We will discuss the use of stand-alone and combined standard form contracts for shifting risk and the key issues often overlooked by owners.

  • WED, June 11 - 11:30 - 12:25 pm - Mom I Don’t Want To Be A YouTuber, I Want to Be A Municipal Employee! (T)


    Will George, Town of Smithers

    Local governments across BC continue to face challenges in attracting quality employees. A career in local government is not commonly found near the top of the list when you ask young adults what their dream job is. With the variety of options out there, we need to think creatively about how to attract new employees to our sector and introduce local government to those just entering the workforce. This session will cover the challenges of filling these essential positions and which organizations can help. We will dive into best practices in attracting municipal employees and how you can bring these examples home to your community. Join this interactive session on how our organizations can invite the workforce to consider municipal government as an exciting career.

  • WED, June 11 - 11:30 - 12:25 pm - Workplace Safety: Your important role in leading the leaders (T)


    Lisa Houle, BC Municipal Safety Association

    Let’s have a discussion about what health and safety really means for senior leaders in local governments. Do big safety issues keep you up at night? Do you understand the obligations of owners and employers well enough to feel confident your organization not only meets compliance, but is doing everything it can to keep workers safe and healthy? 

    Join experts in workplace safety leadership and regulatory environments to understand the critical role you play in shaping the safety culture and performance for your city. Collaborate and share solutions for some of these challenges and collectively raise the bar for healthy and safety municipal workforces.

  • WED, June 11 - 12:30 - 1:30 pm - Volunteer Recognition Luncheon

  • WED, June 11 - 1:40 - 2:50 pm - Everything You Wanted to Know About Employment Agreements but Were Afraid to Ask (P,T)

    Sponsored by Lidstone & Company


    Donald Lidstone K.C., Ale Henao, & Maria Zacharias, Lidstone & Company

    Gain a fresh understanding of the art of bargaining for and securing favorable terms in a new or renewed employment agreement. We will discuss strategies for negotiation and bargaining leverage, and how to effectively prepare with the right information. Key aspects will be explored including written contracts versus handshake agreements, 'two-step' offers, fixed versus open terms, implied terms, and the nuances of salary and benefits. Additionally, we'll delve into important provisions regarding termination, constructive dismissal, severance, mitigation, and residency requirements, and provide an update on 'respectful workplace' obligations. We will also cover common pitfalls to avoid during the term of employment, and offer guidance on safeguarding yourself and colleagues from bullying, harassment, and defamation issues plaguing many workplaces.

  • WED, June 11 - 1:40 - 2:50 pm - STAY IN THE ROOM: Equipping leaders with the skills, insights, and resilience needed to navigate complex challenges with courage and empathy (P)


    Christina Benty, Strategic Leadership Solutions & John Thomas, Acting CAO, Village of Sayward

    In a world marked by increasing uncertainty and upheaval, leaders are often called to address tough issues head-on, from climate challenges to social and community disparities. “Staying in the Room” is an approach that cultivates courage, empathy, and resilience, empowering leaders to engage deeply even when the natural response might be to withdraw. Explore what it means to stay present, grounded, and committed amid discomfort and ambiguity, building stronger communities and fostering lasting change.

  • WED, June 11 - 1:40 - 2:50 pm - We’ve Been Breached, Now What? A Tabletop Discussion (T)

    Sponsored by the Municipal Finance Authority of BC    


    Dan Mathieson, Former Mayor, City of Stratford and Special Advisor, Office of the President, Toronto Metropolitan University;

    Randy Purse, Senior Advisor, Cybersecurity Training and Education, Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst, Toronto Metropolitan University 

    Are you confident that in the event of a cyber attack, your operational staff and leadership teams will have a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities, and work cohesively on a unified plan of action? This plenary tabletop discussion - delivered by a senior cybersecurity expert and a former mayor speaking from the experience of his own cyber attack - will guide participants through an unfolding cybersecurity incident, with discussion centering around both operational incident response considerations and the management of key stakeholders. Coming out of the session, participants will have a stronger understanding of where they need to improve their decision-making, communications and related processes.

    Presented by Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst, Toronto Metropolitan University’s national center for innovation and collaboration in cybersecurity.

  • WED, June 11 - 2:50 - 3:20 pm - Networking Break / Meet the Exhibitors

  • WED, June 11 - 3:30 - 4:30 pm - Dysfunctional Councils: Lessons From Municipal Advisors (T)


    Brian Carruthers, BD Carruthers & Associates; Randy Diehl, Diehl Management Consultants; and Ron Poole, Poole Consulting Ltd

    Dysfunctional Councils and Boards are an increasing phenomenon in BC. Unfortunately, these situations not only affect the quality of governance for communities, but can have detrimental impacts on the staff of the local government. In the most severe cases, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs has engaged experienced advisors to assist the Councils with overcoming their relationship and governance challenges, and provide support to the CAO and the organization. In this session, you will hear from three Municipal Advisors who will share their experiences, discuss the factors that contribute to dysfunctional elected bodies, and provide tools and suggestions for supporting Councils/Boards and their CAOs, and to buffer staff from the impacts and consequences of poor elected official conduct.

  • WED, June 11 - 3:30 - 4:30 pm - Local Governments and the TRC Calls to Action: A Legal Overview (R)

    Sponsored by Young Anderson

    SPEAKERS: Reece Harding & Christopher Gallardo-Ganaban, Young Anderson 

    In recognition of the 10-year anniversary of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s report of its findings and its "94 Calls to Action" (June 2015), this session serves to provide an overview of the legal history surrounding indigenous peoples' rights, the Calls to Action as they relate to local governments, and the various approaches by local governments in exercising their public duties since the Calls to Action were introduced. To support an understanding of local governments' roles in advancing reconciliation, we will reflect on key legal developments in the last 10 years that affect local governments, their responsibilities, and their approaches. We will also focus on identifying areas in which local governments can continue to support progress and advancements in reconciliation through various means within their jurisdiction.

  • WED, June 11 - 3:30 - 4:30 pm - Preparing for the Wave, Planning for the Trough: Seniors housing and services in non-metropolitan BC (L)


    Marleen Morris, Community Development Institute at UNBC & Andrew Young, MCIP, RPP, Career Local Government Administrator

    The senior’s population wave is building as the baby boom generation moves into the retirement years and communities, even now, are voicing concerns about the impact. However, as much as we have to prepare for the coming senior’s wave, we also have to plan for the trough that will follow. 

    This session will explore the dynamics of the senior’s population shift and the impacts it will have on housing, health and social services, local infrastructure, and transportation. We will follow the wave from now, through the crest, and into the senior’s population trough that will emerge in the late 2040s. We will also explore this demographic shift from the perspective of a range of non-metropolitan communities, including retirement, resource-based, and resort/amenity communities. Finally, we will discuss best practices and solutions from BC and other jurisdictions to some of the challenges that are emerging, not only for seniors but for the community.

Thursday, June 12 Agenda

  • THUR, June 12 - 6:30 - 7:15 am - Early Risers’ Club: Guided Walk/Run

    Up early? Start things off right before the working part of the day begins! Led by City of Kelowna recreation staff, groups will step out from the Delta Grand Okanagan Hotel lobby.

  • THUR, June 12 - 8:30 am - 4:30 pm - Pension Consulting with Jerry Woytack (by appointment, Wed & Thurs)

    Contemplating retirement in the near future? Sign up for a personalized, 45-minute session with pension specialist Jerry Woytack. This service is complimentary for current LGMA members who are at least 50 years old and have held membership for at least the past five years. Bring your most recent Pension Corporation member benefit statement. Sign up in advance at, or on site at the Conference registration desk.

  • THUR, June 12 - 7:15 - 8:15 am - Networking Breakfast
  • THUR, June 12 - 8:15 - 9:10 am - Annual General Meeting

    This is a wonderful opportunity to learn first-hand what’s going on with your Association. 

  • THUR, June 12 - 9:20 - 10:10 am - AI Helped Me Write this Title and That's Ok: Maximizing the Benefits of AI in the Workplace while Managing the Risks (E)


    Michela Fiorido & Suzanne Kennedy, Harris & Company LLP 

    Two privacy partners from one of Western Canada’s largest labour and employment law firms will explore the rise of AI in the workplace and how to build a framework, including policies and procedures, to manage this evolving technology. 

    Discover how to manage workplace risks associated with AI, including implicit bias, misinformation and manipulation of data, and renewed concerns about job displacement due to technological developments. Gain a deeper understanding of AI privacy implications, including data security, confidentiality, and legal privilege. Participants will walk away with suggested content and actionable insights on implementing AI policies in their own workplaces, and feeling encouraged that AI can be an effective tool as long as appropriate parameters are in place. 

  • THUR, June 12 - 9:20 - 10:10 am - First Nations Property Taxation & Assessment (R)

    Sponsored by BC Assessment


    Bill Dawson, BC Assessment & Jesse James, First Nations Tax Commission

    Gain a better understanding of how local governments can work with neighbouring First Nations to support economic development and growth.

    For forty-five years, First Nations in Canada have been developing property tax jurisdiction on their lands and have witnessed remarkable growth. This growth is largely attributable to the work of First Nations Tax Commission (FNTC), which has provided leadership and regulatory support, and the involvement of key regional assessment service providers such as BC Assessment (BCA), who support assessment solutions and services for 100 taxing First Nations.

    This joint FNTC/BCA presentation is designed to provide information on assessment solutions for services agreements between local governments and neighbouring Indigenous communities, building a regional economy that works for all, exciting real estate development occurring on First Nation Land, and the regulatory frameworks that support First Nation taxation.

  • THUR, June 12 - 9:20 - 10:10 am - Fostering a Culture of Belonging: Strategies for Effective Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Initiatives (A,F)


    Jennifer Howatt (Human Resources & Safety Director ), Kristina Rios (Human Resources Supervisor) & Michelle Amaral (Human Resources Advisor), City of Kamloops

    From crafting inclusive policies to promoting equitable opportunities, this session will empower you to champion change within your organization! At the City of Kamloops we promote a respectful culture that recognizes the challenges that underrecognized groups experience both inside and outside of the workplace.

    Hear real-world examples and actionable insights to help equip you with strategies to make a case for a permanent dedicated Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) position in your organization. Gain tools to implement effective EDI initiatives.

  • THUR, June 12 - 9:20 - 10:10 am - The Time (for Good Governance) is Now! (T)


    Lindsay Roberts, District of Sechelt 

    This session is a tell-all in how to work with a variety of personalities, and bring productivity and empowerment to your organizational culture and assurances to the community. The objective of this session is to support others in good governance and standing up for public service. The more we communicate and get curious with problems that arise, the quicker we can get back to doing the work our communities have asked us to accomplish. 


    Communication and emotional intelligence are ever present and ready to be put into action! With egos at play and personality clashes, let’s lean into our superpowers of transparent communication, relationship building and working around challenging behaviour. The time is now for taking accountability in our roles as public servants among a changing landscape in government, even when it can be uncomfortable. 

  • THUR, June 12 - 10:10 - 10:40 am - Networking Break / Meet the Exhibitors

  • THUR, June 12 - 10:45 am - 12:00 pm - From Barriers to Breakthroughs: Uniting Teams and Partners for Impactful Climate Action (L)

    SPEAKERS:  Maya Chorobik & Josephine Howitt, Community Energy Association; Cecilia Jacques, Accelerating Community Energy Transformation

    Local government senior managers play a pivotal role in driving climate action by fostering cross-departmental collaboration and embedding a climate lens into everyday decision-making. This interactive session explores how to maintain momentum for climate initiatives amid political polarization, align climate goals with broader community priorities, and build effective partnerships with external stakeholders, including Indigenous communities, health authorities, other orders of government, and funders. Participants will ground-truth research findings on barriers to climate action with their own experiences, sharing strategies to overcome these challenges. Through self-reflection and group discussions, attendees will leave with actionable insights to enhance their leadership in supporting transformative, inclusive, and sustainable climate action across their organizations.

  • THUR, June 12 - 10:45 am - 12:00 pm - Indigenous Partnerships in Action: Community Resilience through Cultural Safety and Collaboration ) (R)

    Sponsored by Colliers Project Leaders


    Kayla Pepper, Colliers Project Leaders; additional local government speakers TBA

    The inclusion of Indigenous governing bodies alongside local governments is key to fostering resilience and promoting holistic solutions across all phases of emergency management. Partnering with local Indigenous governing bodies ensures that their voices, priorities and rights are respected and integrated into municipal decision-making processes. This provides a unique opportunity to leverage diverse knowledge systems, build mutual trust and respect, and co-create innovative solutions that benefit both people and the environment.

    Join this session to hear how local governments can apply Indigenous-centered practices in emergency management. Through real-life examples of successful partnership and agreement models, you will learn how your community can integrate cultural safety and humility principles and Indigenous knowledge into emergency management programs. By working together, Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities can leverage their respective networks and expertise to mobilize resources, share wise practices, and coordinate efforts more effectively.

  • THUR, June 12 - 10:45 am - 12:00 pm - Legal Update 2025 (T)

    Sponsored by Stewart McDannold Stuart


    Ryan Bortolin, Stewart McDannold Stuart

    Join us for an informative and lively review of critical court decisions from the past year that directly impact local governments. We will delve into key rulings and their implications for your communities, ensuring you stay informed and prepared. Additionally, we will review recent legislative changes of interest to local governments.

  • THUR, June 12 - 12:00 - 1:00 pm - Luncheon

    Our thanks to FortisBC for providing this lunch. 

  • THUR, June 12 - 1:10 - 2:10 pm - A Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Complaints of Bullying & Harassment (A,T)

    Sponsored by Young Anderson 


    SPEAKER: Sukhbir Manhas & Carolyn MacEachern, Young Anderson

    Bullying, harassment and disrespectful conduct in the workplace can cause significant harm to those involved and systemic barriers to equality in employment. When local governments receive complaints from employees under Respectful Workplace Policies or elected official Codes on Conduct, there is often panic and a desire to start the investigation yesterday. However, it is important that local governments consider certain issues prior to starting an investigation.

    In this interactive session, the panel will provide a step-by-step guide for local governments to follow when they receive a complaint.  

  • THUR, June 12 - 1:10 - 2:10 pm - Cultivating a Culture of Wellness (T)


    Heather Escaravage, Wellness & Retention Advisor, City of Coquitlam & Breanna Walker, Organizational Wellness Consultant, City of Vancouver

    Join us for an insightful session on key strategies for enhancing mental health and wellness in local government workplaces. Session highlights:  

    • Annual Wellness Workplan: Gain tools to develop a year-round wellness strategy that supports your team.
    • Mental Wellness Champion Program: Discover programs that empower employees to champion mental health and provide peer support.
    • Reducing Barriers to Access: Learn how accessible mental health resources at work foster a culture of care.
    • Culturally Competent Resources: Recognize the importance of providing culturally competent mental health support and how this increases the efficacy of interventions.

    Ideal for organizational leaders, this session will inspire new approaches to wellness and offer a glimpse into innovative programs from across the municipal sector. Don’t miss this chance to elevate your workplace wellness initiatives! 

  • THUR, June 12 - 1:10 - 2:10 pm - Demystifying Artificial Intelligence: Harnessing the Power of AI in Your Organization (E)


    Laura Bentley & James McGregor, City of Kelowna; Nikki Best, City of Port Moody

    Join us for an insightful session on how Burnaby and Kelowna have harnessed the power of AI to enhance their operations. Learn how the City of Kelowna is integrating AI into their outward-facing services, improving access to services and information for citizens. The City of Burnaby will share about leveraging AI for internal use, optimizing efficiency across different functions and processes.

    We will also discuss the broader benefits of AI implementation and provide practical guidance on where to begin your AI journey. Key considerations such as policy development, privacy protection, internal collaboration, and effective communication will be highlighted to support a smooth and responsible AI adoption.

    This session is for those looking to understand the transformative potential of AI and how to navigate the complexities of its implementation within local government operations.

    *Session description powered by AI

  • THUR, June 12 - 1:10 - 2:10 pm - Supporting Local Labs: Lessons from Social Labs Across Canada (T)


    Annelies Tjebbes (CEO) & Austin Lui (Senior Facilitation Lead & Project Manager), Roots & Rivers Consulting

    In a rapidly evolving world, social innovation is key to addressing complex challenges at the municipal level. In this interactive session, participants will learn from The Future of Labs gathering, which brought together practitioners from across Canada to explore the potential of social labs in driving systemic change. Examples from municipal labs like City of Vancouver’s Lab and the City of Calgary’s Social Innovation Lab will illustrate how municipalities can leverage these tools to create meaningful impact. Through collaborative activities, participants will envision the unique resources, partnerships, and community needs required to establish a social innovation lab in their own municipality. Whether you're starting from scratch or seeking inspiration to enhance existing initiatives, this session offers practical guidance and actionable strategies to support your local government’s approach to social innovation.  

  • THUR, June 12 - 2:20 - 3:20 pm - Better Together: Collective Impact Model For Housing Action (F, L)


    Steven Collyer & Jamie Lloyd-Smith, City of Penticton; Annika Kirk, United Way BC

    "Better Together" is the approach being taken in Penticton to address housing affordability and homelessness challenges. This session will explore 100 More Homes Penticton, a collective of local non-profit housing providers, service providers, Interior Health, BC Housing, and the City of Penticton which has made meaningful progress on local housing needs through consensus-building. Come hear about  recent 100 More Homes Penticton initiatives, including:

    • the Housing Action Table, connecting non-profits and developers to build stronger relationships and understanding across sectors;
    • the City's pre-development funding program, supporting early work done by non-profits for capital grant funding applications; and, 
    • the Social Housing & Infrastructure Plan, discovering organizational partnerships and aligning those with specific opportunity sites in Penticton to ensure progress across the spectrum of housing needs. 

    Successes and challenges along the way will be discussed, as well as advice for developing this model in your community.

  • THUR, June 12 - 2:20 - 3:20 pm - Disability Accommodations: When the Employer Has a Duty to Inquire (A)

    Sponsored by Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark LLP


    Cameron Wardell & Sherry Yu, Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark LLP

    Workplace discrimination claims remain an area of high risk (and cost) for employers, and it can be difficult to understand what exactly the “duty to accommodate” requires even when the need for accommodation is clear. But what about when there are performance or even safety concerns with an employee, which may be related to a disability (mental or physical), but no request for accommodation has been made – when and how should an employer inquire further? 

    This session will survey the law on the duty to inquire and provide practical guidance on how to identify when it is triggered and avoid discrimination claims based on a failure to inquire.

  • THUR, June 12 - 2:20 - 3:20 pm - Elected Official Confidence in Staff - Tips and Tricks to Ensure Success (P,T)


    Ron Mattiussi, R.L. Mattiussi Advisory Services Ltd; Kevin Ramsay, Innova Strategy Group; & James Ridge, James Ridge Consulting 

    The crazy mix of politics and providing service to our citizens is extremely challenging. This session will explore essential strategies for strengthening trust and collaboration between elected officials and staff.  We will cover effective communication techniques, setting clear expectations, and building a culture of transparency and accountability. Participants will learn how to foster mutual respect and confidence, ensuring that staff feel empowered to act decisively while keeping officials informed. Practical tips will include: approaches for timely and efficient updates; managing difficult conversations; using data and science to your advantage; and, proactively addressing challenges that can arise in public service environments.

    This session aims to provide actionable insights for building and maintaining a productive relationship, enabling both elected officials and staff to perform their roles successfully and deliver the best outcomes for their constituents.

  • THUR, June 12 - 3:20 - 3:50 pm - Networking Break

  • THUR, June 12 - 3:50 - 4:50 pm - KEYNOTE: Alfredo Tan, Lessons in Disruption, Innovation, and Success (E,T)

    Sponsored by the Municipal Finance Authority of BC

    Lessons in Disruption, Innovation, and Success

    Alfredo Tan is a people-first leader, change agent, and impact-focused innovator with global experience. Having held senior level roles ranging from WestJet and Facebook to Yahoo and Rogers Media, Tan has led several companies through changing digital landscapes and evolving consumer expectations and behaviours. He shares lessons learned from his corporate journey, speaking on mentorship, risk management, innovation, focus, and more.

  • THUR, June 12 - 6:30 pm - Conference Finale: Gala Dinner and Awards

    Sponsored by Young Anderson

    Gather together one more time to celebrate LGMA2025! Enjoy the bounty of the Okanagan with locally-inspired cuisine. Then, the LGMA awards will shine a spotlight on members who have made significant contributions to local government service this past year. Cap things off by dancing to the songs you know and love brought to you by Kelowna’s own Rann Berry and the Random Act, who have opened for artists such as Colin James, Trooper, Honeymoon Suite, The Powder Blues Band, Randy Bachman, Loverboy, The Stampeders, April Wine, Beatlemania, Crash Test Dummies and many more top acts.

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