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Member Spotlight on Heather Nelson-Smith 

At the LGMA, we’re proud to celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of our members. Here we're thrilled to highlight Heather Nelson-Smith, the Chief Administrative Officer and Corporate Officer for the District of Port Hardy, and a dedicated LGMA member for many years! In her spotlight, Heather reflects on her journey from starting out in retail management and the hotel industry to achieving her current role. She also shares her go-to stress-relief tip:  "Whenever the job gets a little overwhelming and my mind feels cluttered, I turn to something guaranteed to lift my spirits—Disney Hits!" 

Q: Can you tell us a bit about your background? 

A: Well, I’d say my journey has been anything but straightforward! I started my career in retail management, working in hotels with a real passion for loss prevention and merchandising. But life threw a curveball when I moved from bustling Vancouver to the small town of Port Clements for love. Suddenly, there were no jobs in my field, so I had to get creative. I worked at the gas station, then at a bar, and even the local grocery store, picking up bookkeeping jobs along the way to make ends meet.

After a few failed attempts to land a job with the village—four to be exact—with no real idea what a mayor or council even did, I decided to offer to work for less pay, just to prove myself. Fortunately, they took a chance on me. On my son’s first birthday, I started a role that I had no idea would turn into the career I’ve come to love. After just over a year, I found myself in an acting CAO role, and then permanent CAO just a short two years after starting there.  It’s been an unexpected but incredibly rewarding journey ever since!

Q: Can you describe your role and title? 

A: As the Chief Administrative Officer and Corporate Officer, I have the privilege of wearing many hats in our community of just over 4,000 people. One of the best parts of my role is working alongside a forward-thinking, inclusive mayor and council who give me the freedom to lead and shape the organization in ways that are both meaningful and rewarding. I’m passionate about helping my team grow, and it’s been incredible to watch as we all learn from each other while working towards the shared vision and goals of the council and the community. It’s a dynamic role that constantly challenges and inspires me!

Q: How long have you been in local government? 

A: In January I will celebrate 20 years.

Q: How long have you been an LGMA member?

A: I have been a member since at least 2005.

Q: What are some key milestones in your professional journey?

A: I’ve had the privilege of being involved in some truly rewarding projects throughout my career. One of the milestones I’m particularly proud of is helping bring the Port Clements Multiplex to life. The project had been in the works long before I arrived, but I was offered the opportunity to lead in a momentous time, allowing us to shift the project’s scope and form key partnerships to finally make it a reality.

In Alert Bay, I had the opportunity to help build the skate park, a wonderful win for the youth. Additionally, working on the joint economic development plan with the ’Namgis First Nation was a deeply meaningful experience a project that was all about providing quick, visible wins for the community to enhance economic growth.


In Port Hardy, we were honoured to receive the 2023 CAMA Willis Award for Innovation, a recognition that highlights our forward-thinking strategic planning. One of the key focuses of this plan has been poverty reduction and harm reduction, which has allowed us to forge strong partnerships to support vital social and economic services. What’s especially rewarding is how these efforts are centred on amplifying the voices of those who often go unheard. Collaborating with organizations that prioritize the safety and wellbeing of every citizen has been both fulfilling and impactful for our community.

Q: How has being an LGMA member benefited your professional development?

A: Honestly, I wouldn’t be where I am today without the LGMA. It’s been an incredible journey, but one I certainly haven’t travelled alone. The LGMA has connected me with a network of people who not only support my growth but also help me better serve the communities I work in. The mentorship I’ve received has been invaluable, and the resources, conferences, and training opportunities have played a huge role in my development. But beyond all that, just knowing there’s a community of support behind me makes this job that much more rewarding and fulfilling!

Q: What do you value most about being an LGMA member? 

A: Really, one word, connection.

Q: What have you learned from your experiences that you believe would benefit others in your position? 

A: I’ve learned that curiosity and a willingness to learn are key to success. My message to all my staff is simple: if you want to grow, the opportunities are there. We only get one shot at this, so why spend it staring at cubicle walls? Working in local government gives us a unique perspective—a lens that not everyone gets to look through. Embrace it, soak it all in, and be open to every experience. The more you’re willing to learn, the more rewarding and fulfilling this journey becomes.


Q: What advice might you give to a young person entering the local government field? 

A: Local government might not seem as exciting as becoming an AI programmer or a neuroscientist but take a moment to think about the impact it has. Local government shapes the very fabric of the community you live in. Imagine walking down your street and seeing the pavilion you helped plan or promoting a brand-new park you played a part in creating. The difference you can make is real, tangible, and visible. Few careers offer that kind of direct connection to improving people’s everyday lives. It’s a rewarding field where you can truly leave your mark.


Q: What is one fun fact about yourself that you would like to share with our members?

A: Alright, feel free to laugh, but let me share one of my go-to stress relievers that might surprise you! Whenever the job gets a little overwhelming and my mind feels cluttered, I turn to something guaranteed to lift my spirits—Disney Hits! Yep, I crank up the playlist on Apple Music, Spotify, or whatever platform I’m using, and let the magic happen. Trust me, there’s something about those songs that bring an instant boost of energy and focus. So, the next time you’re feeling stuck, try it—and you can thank me later and I will gladly say ‘YOU’RE WELCOME’ 😉 (insert Dwayne Johnson here) 

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