Contact the LGMA

2020-2024 Strategic Plan

Message from the President:

I am pleased to present the LGMA’s 2020-2024 Strategic Plan, which will support program adaptations and the sustainability of our Association through the opportunities and uncertainty of the coming five years.  

The LGMA remains committed to providing outstanding programs to ensure a culture of excellence in local government management and administration and to realize advances for both the Association and for the profession of local government in British Columbia.

The strategic planning workshop to develop the path ahead was completed a week before the onset of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Association, its members and the world community. While many of the initiatives, strategies and priority actions remain valid, the implementation timelines are highly dependent on the business recovery of the Association as it emerges from the pandemic.

This Strategic Plan represents significant planning, research, dialogue, and decision-making that involved research professionals, members, non-members who have been engaged with the Association as participants in educational programming or as volunteers, staff, Chapters, and the Board. It includes the continuation and modification of targeted strategies that have served to grow the educational programming and financial sustainability of the Association in the past, while also being flexible enough to adapt to both the known and unknown factors ahead.

With the dedication of our hard-working staff, leadership of our Executive Director and guidance of our Board of Directors, the future of LGMA is in good hands.

Ron Bowles, LGMA President

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