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Guidance for Adapting to the New Electronic Meetings Framework

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs with the help of numerous LGMA members have released the Guidance for Adapting to the New Electronic Meetings Framework to support local government staff and elected officials to consider the new electronic meetings rules and best practices for procedure bylaws. These new rules will come into force by regulation on September 29, 2021 after the authority to hold electronic meetings under the COVID Related Measures Act and Ministerial Order 192 expires on September 28, 2021.


The guidance explains the new electronic meeting rules, timelines for amending procedure bylaws, best practices for procedure bylaws and other resources including questions to consider when thinking about electronic meetings. Further information on procedure bylaws can be found on the Ministry of Municipal Affairs website. Visit the Municipal Procedure Bylaw or Regional District Board Procedure Bylaw page under Guidance and Resources.


For questions about the guidance or new electronic meetings framework call the Governance and Structure Branch at 250 387-4020 or email


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